Generally speaking, you can get a feel for a person based on their living space. After all, home is where you’re able to kick back and be yourself away from the scrutiny of everyone else around you. It’s where you keep your stuff, eat your food, and fuck your partners. A person’s home is a simple, physical reflection of their personality. People suffering from depression live in apathy-induced squalor, and cold, controlling people keep their home disconcertingly immaculate.
This is all the more true for vampires.
As the unholy blood of a vampire grows in potency, their influence on their haven grows and grows, until it becomes a literal extension of themselves. The havens of the Nosferatu grow increasingly creepy. Mortals feel uncomfortable going near them. Apartment complexes where Nosferatu go to ground slowly decay, becoming filthy urban hell-holes. Cabrini Green, the once-infamous housing project in Chicago, was home to a particularly powerful Nosferatu, and the horror that took hold of that complex has yet to truly fade away, even years after that Kindred’s death. Daeva havens are disconcertingly enticing, drawing junkies and thrill-seekers close by. The sex and drugs just seem so much better near a Daeva’s nest, and all the more so inside.
Vampires are, by their nature, incredibly territorial. The presence of the Beast marks their turf, and mortals start to act in ways that strangely mirror the personalities of the vampires that live around them.
When a vampire has slept in an area for a day, by the time it wakes up for the night, the very air around it and the foundation beneath it have been stained by the Beast’s corruption. For each dot of Blood Potency a character has, they mark a territory with a 10 yard radius. While within the confines of their own territory, a vampire gains bonus dice equal to half their Blood Potency +1 to rolls made to avoid Frenzy checks caused by the Predator’s Taint.
If a vampire loses their blood potency, their territory decreases by 10 yards per BP.
A mortal within Kindred territory does not have access to the 10-again rule unless engaging in activities that mirror the Vice of the Kindred in question.
Vampires who enter the territory of another vampire must check for Frenzy as they would when encountering another vampire for the first time, unless they know the vampire in question.
This house rule could also probably work for Masquerade, but using Generation instead of Blood Potency.
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